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32. 1997 Economic Census

265. Elementary and Secondary Schools--Teachers and Pupil-Teacher Ratios With Projections

[In thousands (1,600 represents 1,600,000), except ratios. As of fall. Data are for full-time equivalents. Schools are classified by type of organization, ratherthan by grade group; elementary includes kindergarten and secondaryincludes junior high]

ITEM Total Elementary Secondary Total Elementary Secondary Total Elementary Secondary
Number of teachers:
  1960 1,600 991 609 1,408 858 550 192 133 59
  1965 1,933 1,112 822 1,710 965 746 223 147 76
  1970 2,292 1,283 1,009 2,059 1,130 929 233 153 80
  1971 2,293 1,263 1,030 2,063 1,111 952 230 152 78
  1972 2,337 1,296 1,041 2,106 1,142 964 231 154 77
  1973 2,372 1,308 1,064 2,136 1,151 985 236 157 79
  1974 2,410 1,330 1,079 2,165 1,166 998 245 164 81
  1975 2,453 1,353 1,100 2,198 1,181 1,017 255 172 83
  1980 2,485 1,401 1,084 2,184 1,189 995 301 212 89
  1985 2,549 1,483 1,066 2,206 1,237 969 343 246 97
  1986 2,592 1,521 1,071 2,244 1,271 973 348 250 98
  1987 2,632 1,563 1,068 2,279 1,307 973 353 257 95
  1988 2,668 1,604 1,064 2,323 1,353 970 345 251 94
  1989 2,734 1,662 1,072 2,357 1,387 970 377 275 102
  1990 2,753 1,683 1,070 2,398 1,429 969 355 254 101
  1991 2,787 1,722 1,065 2,432 1,468 964 355 254 101
  1992 2,822 1,752 1,070 2,459 1,492 967 363 260 103
  1993 2,870 1,775 1,095 2,504 1,513 991 366 262 104
  1994 2,926 1,791 1,135 2,552 1,525 1,027 374 266 108
  1995 2,978 1,794 1,184 2,598 1,525 1,073 380 269 111
  1996 3,054 1,856 1,198 2,667 1,582 1,085 387 274 113
  1997 3,132 1,889 1,243 2,744 1,614 1,130 388 275 113
  1998, prel. 1 3,178 1,913 1,266 2,787 1,636 1,152 391 277 114
  1999, proj. 1 3,095 1,859 1,236 2,700 1,580 1,120 395 279 116
Pupil-teacher ratio:
  1960 26.4 29.4 21.4 25.8 28.4 21.7 30.7 36.1 18.6
  1965 25.1 28.4 20.6 24.7 27.6 20.8 28.3 33.3 18.4
  1970 22.4 24.6 19.5 22.3 24.3 19.8 23.0 26.5 16.4
  1971 22.4 25.0 19.1 22.3 24.9 19.3 22.6 25.7 16.7
  1972 21.7 23.9 18.9 21.7 23.9 19.1 21.6 24.0 16.9
  1973 21.3 23.0 19.1 21.3 23.0 19.3 21.2 23.6 16.5
  1974 20.8 22.6 18.5 20.8 22.6 18.7 20.4 22.6 16.0
  1975 20.3 21.7 18.6 20.4 21.7 18.8 19.6 21.5 15.7
  1980 18.6 20.1 16.6 18.7 20.4 16.8 17.7 18.8 15.0
  1985 17.6 19.1 15.6 17.9 19.5 15.8 16.2 17.1 14.0
  1986 17.4 18.8 15.5 17.7 19.3 15.7 15.7 16.5 13.6
  1987 17.3 18.8 15.0 17.6 19.3 15.2 15.5 16.4 13.1
  1988 17.0 18.6 14.7 17.3 19.0 14.9 15.2 16.1 12.8
  1989 16.8 18.4 14.3 17.2 19.0 14.6 14.2 15.1 11.7
  1990 16.9 18.5 14.3 17.2 18.9 14.6 14.7 16.1 11.3
  1991 17.0 18.4 14.6 17.3 18.8 15.0 14.7 16.0 11.1
  1992 17.1 18.4 14.8 17.4 18.8 15.2 14.6 16.2 11.3
  1993 17.1 18.5 14.7 17.4 18.9 15.1 14.8 16.3 11.5
  1994 17.1 18.6 14.4 17.3 19.0 14.8 14.9 16.4 11.4
  1995 17.0 18.9 14.0 17.3 19.3 14.4 14.9 16.6 10.8
  1996 16.8 18.4 14.3 17.1 18.8 14.6 14.9 16.4 11.5
  1997 16.6 18.3 14.0 16.8 18.6 14.2 15.1 16.6 11.6
  1998, prel. 16.6 18.3 14.0 16.8 18.6 14.2 15.2 16.6 11.6
  1999, proj. 17.2 19.0 14.5 17.5 19.4 14.8 15.1 16.6 11.6

1 See revised totals in Table 241; revised data not available by level.

Source: U.S. National Center for Education Statistics,Digest of Education Statistics, annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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