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32. 1997 Economic Census

232. Percentage of Adults Engaging in Leisure-Time Physical Activity

[Covers persons 18 years old and over.Based on response to question about physical activity in prior month.Based on a sample survey of approximately 96,000 persons in 48 states andthe District of Columbia in 1992;on a sample survey of approximately 122,000 persons in 50 states andthe District of Columbia in 1996; andBased on a sample survey of approximately 150,000 persons in 50 states, the District ofColumbia and Puerto Rico in 1998; for details, contact source]

1992 1996 1998
- -
Participates Participates Participates Participates Participates Participates
Characteristic No in in No in in No in in
participation regular, regular, participation regular, regular, participation regular, regular,
in physical sustained vigorous in physical sustained vigorous in physical sustained vigorous
activity activity 1 activity 2 activity activity 1 activity 2 activity activity 1 activity 2
  Total 28.7 20.1 14.4 29.5 19.6 12.9 28.7 20.8 13.6
Male 26.5 21.5 12.9 27.3 20.3 11.6 26.2 21.9 13.3
Female 30.7 18.9 15.8 31.5 18.9 14.0 31.0 19.7 13.8
White, non-Hispanic 26.8 20.8 15.3 27.6 20.3 14.0 26.7 21.6 14.0
Black, non-Hispanic 38.5 15.2 9.4 38.2 16.3 9.3 33.8 17.8 12.3
Hispanic 34.8 20.1 11.9 36.6 17.1 8.6 38.4 17.4 11.4
Other 31.4 17.3 11.8 27.8 20.1 10.4 28.8 21.8 14.3
  18 to 29 years old 18.9 26.8 8.0 19.7 24.3 6.7 17.6 26.5 12.2
  30 to 44 years old 25.0 17.4 11.1 25.6 17.7 9.5 24.9 19.0 11.8
  45 to 64 years old 32.0 18.9 16.3 32.5 17.9 14.4 30.6 20.5 14.1
  65 to 74 years old 33.2 26.8 20.6 32.1 25.5 18.2 31.1 24.8 14.2
  75 years old and over 38.2 23.2 20.6 36.9 22.3 19.5 39.1 22.2 22.0
  18 to 29 years old 25.4 19.9 11.4 26.2 20.2 10.8 25.1 20.9 14.2
  30 to 44 years old 26.9 18.5 18.0 28.3 19.0 14.9 28.2 19.9 14.8
  45 to 64 years old 32.1 19.4 17.7 32.3 19.1 15.8 31.5 19.8 13.2
  65 to 74 years old 36.6 19.0 16.5 36.2 19.3 15.4 35.9 20.3 13.0
  75 years old and over 50.5 15.0 12.8 47.3 14.1 11.1 47.1 14.9 12.3
School years completed:
  Less than 12 years 46.5 15.6 8.2 50.3 13.8 6.2 49.7 14.3 8.2
  12 years 32.8 17.8 11.5 34.6 17.6 10.1 33.9 18.2 10.7
  Some college (13-15 years) 22.6 22.7 14.9 24.4 20.8 13.4 23.9 22.3 13.9
  College (16 or more years) 17.8 23.5 21.9 17.1 23.9 19.2 16.3 25.7 19.7
Household income:
  Less than $10,000 41.5 17.6 9.0 42.5 16.8 7.0 42.4 17.8 10.7
  $10,000 to $19,999 34.6 18.7 10.8 40.0 17.2 8.5 39.8 16.9 10.5
  $20,000 to $34,999 26.9 20.3 14.2 31.8 19.0 11.4 31.3 19.4 12.1
  $35,000 to $49,999 23.0 20.9 16.3 24.8 21.2 13.8 24.4 21.4 14.0
  $50,000 and over 17.7 23.5 20.5 18.4 22.6 17.8 16.9 25.5 17.6

1 Any type or intensity of activity that occurs 5 times or more perweek and 30 minutes or more per occasion.
2 Rhythmic contraction of large muscle groups performed at 50 percent ormore of estimated age- and sex-specific maximum cardio-respiratorycapacity, 3 times per week or more for at least 20 minutes per occasion.

Source: U.S. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General, 1996 and unpublished data.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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