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32. 1997 Economic Census

188. Health Professions Schools--Number, Enrollment, and Graduates

[Data on the number of schools are reported as of the beginning of theacademic year; all other data are reported as of the end of the academicyear. Data are based on reporting by health professions schools]

Registered nursing Licensed
Year Medicine Osteo- practical Dentistry Optometry Pharmacy a
pathy Total Baccalau- Associate Diploma nursing
reate degree
1970 103 6 1,340 267 437 636 1,233 53 11 74
1980 126 14 1,385 377 697 311 1,299 60 16 72
1981 126 15 1,401 383 715 303 1,309 60 16 72
1982 127 15 1,432 402 742 288 1,295 60 17 72
1983 127 15 1,466 421 764 281 1,297 60 17 72
1984 127 15 1,477 427 777 273 1,254 60 17 72
1985 127 15 1,473 441 776 256 1,165 60 17 72
1986 127 15 1,469 455 776 238 1,087 60 17 73
1987 127 15 1,465 467 789 209 1,068 59 17 74
1988 127 15 1,442 479 792 171 1,095 58 17 74
1989 127 15 1,457 488 812 157 1,171 58 17 74
1990 126 15 1,470 489 829 152 1,154 58 17 74
1991 126 15 1,484 501 838 145 1,125 56 17 74
1992 126 15 1,484 501 848 135 1,154 55 17 75
1993 126 16 1,493 507 857 129 1,159 55 17 75
1994 125 16 1,501 509 868 124 1,185 54 17 75
1995 125 16 1,516 521 876 119 (NA) 54 17 75
1996 125 17 1,508 523 876 109 (NA) 54 17 79
1997 125 19 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 55 17 79
1998 125 19 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 55 17 81
1980 16,930 1,426 105,952 35,414 53,633 16,905 56,316 6,132 1,202 8,035
1981 17,186 1,496 110,201 35,808 56,899 17,494 58,479 6,030 1,258 7,377
1982 17,268 1,582 115,279 35,928 60,423 18,928 60,426 5,855 1,249 6,927
1983 17,254 1,682 120,579 37,264 63,947 19,368 61,453 5,498 1,147 6,609
1984 17,150 1,746 123,824 39,400 66,576 17,848 57,865 5,274 1,219 6,635
1985 16,997 1,750 118,224 39,573 63,776 14,875 47,034 5,047 1,187 6,986
1986 16,963 1,737 100,791 34,310 56,635 9,846 44,477 4,843 1,251 7,091
1987 16,819 1,724 90,693 28,026 54,330 8,337 42,452 4,554 1,234 7,554
1988 16,713 1,692 94,269 28,505 57,375 8,389 43,774 4,370 1,268 7,751
1989 16,868 1,780 103,025 29,042 63,973 10,010 47,602 4,196 1,271 7,990
1990 16,756 1,844 108,580 29,858 68,634 10,088 52,969 3,979 1,258 8,033
1991 16,876 1,950 113,526 33,437 69,869 10,220 56,176 4,001 1,239 8,267
1992 17,071 1,974 122,656 37,886 74,079 10,691 58,245 4,047 1,355 8,343
1993 17,079 2,035 126,837 41,290 75,382 10,165 60,749 4,072 1,395 8,664
1994 17,121 2,162 129,897 42,953 77,343 9,601 60,632 4,100 1,351 8,970
1995 17,085 2,217 127,184 43,451 76,016 7,717 57,906 4,121 1,390 9,157
1996 17,058 2,274 119,205 40,048 72,930 6,227 (NA) 4,237 1,438 8,740
1997 16,935 2,535 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,255 1,362 8,790
1998 16,867 2,692 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,347 (NA) 8,571
1980 63,800 4,571 234,659 98,939 92,069 43,651 52,202 22,482 4,517 23,074
1981 65,189 4,940 230,966 95,858 94,060 41,048 52,565 22,842 4,641 22,093
1982 66,298 5,304 234,995 93,967 100,019 41,009 52,024 22,621 4,729 20,468
1983 66,748 5,822 242,035 94,363 105,324 42,348 57,367 22,235 4,646 19,350
1984 67,327 6,212 250,553 98,941 109,605 42,007 55,446 21,428 4,652 18,831
1985 67,016 6,547 237,232 95,008 104,968 37,256 48,840 20,588 4,569 18,646
1986 66,585 6,608 217,955 91,020 96,756 30,179 39,345 19,563 4,562 19,098
1987 66,125 6,640 193,712 81,602 89,469 22,641 38,510 18,673 4,636 20,073
1988 65,735 6,586 182,947 73,621 90,399 18,927 40,035 17,885 4,646 21,424
1989 65,300 6,614 184,924 70,078 95,986 18,860 42,808 17,094 4,708 22,447
1990 65,016 6,615 201,458 74,865 106,175 20,418 46,720 16,412 4,723 23,013
1991 65,163 6,792 221,170 81,788 117,413 21,969 52,749 15,951 4,760 23,238
1992 65,602 7,012 237,598 90,877 123,816 22,905 56,762 15,882 4,864 23,482
1993 66,142 7,375 257,983 102,128 132,603 23,252 59,095 15,980 5,078 26,287
1994 66,629 7,822 270,228 110,693 137,300 22,235 61,007 16,250 (NA) 27,143
1995 67,072 8,146 268,350 112,659 135,895 19,796 59,428 16,353 5,201 27,667
1996 66,970 8,475 261,219 109,505 135,235 16,479 56,028 16,552 5,312 28,060
1997 67,276 8,961 238,244 103,213 122,242 12,789 (NA) 16,570 5,210 28,027
1998 66,900 9,434 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 16,926 (NA) 28,345
1970 8,367 432 43,103 9,069 11,483 22,551 36,456 3,749 445 4,758
1980 15,113 1,059 75,523 24,994 36,034 14,495 41,892 5,256 1,073 7,432
1981 15,632 1,151 73,985 24,370 36,712 12,903 41,002 5,550 1,092 7,323
1982 16,012 1,017 74,052 24,081 38,289 11,682 43,299 5,371 1,106 6,859
1983 15,802 1,317 77,408 23,855 41,849 11,704 45,174 5,756 1,166 6,374
1984 16,343 1,287 80,312 23,718 44,394 12,200 44,654 5,337 1,188 5,963
1985 16,318 1,474 82,075 24,975 45,208 11,892 36,955 5,353 1,114 5,735
1986 16,117 1,560 77,027 25,170 41,333 10,524 29,599 4,957 1,085 5,800
1987 15,830 1,587 70,561 23,761 38,528 8,272 27,285 4,717 1,081 5,854
1988 15,919 1,572 64,839 21,504 37,397 5,938 26,912 4,581 1,106 6,184
1989 15,630 1,609 61,660 18,997 37,837 4,826 30,368 4,312 1,143 6,560
1990 15,398 1,529 66,088 18,571 42,318 5,199 35,417 4,233 1,115 6,956
1991 15,427 1,534 72,230 19,264 46,794 6,172 38,100 3,995 1,224 7,122
1992 15,365 1,532 80,839 21,415 52,896 6,528 41,951 3,918 1,150 7,113
1993 15,466 1,606 88,149 24,442 56,770 6,937 44,822 3,778 1,167 7,380
1994   15,555 1,752 94,870 28,912 58,839 7,119 45,083 3,875 1,125 7,504
1995 15,888 1,843 97,052 31,254 58,749 7,049 44,234 3,908 1,219 7,837
1996 15,907 1,932 94,757 32,413 56,641 5,703 (NA) 3,810 1,210 8,003
1997 15,923 2,009 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 3,930 (NA) 7,772
1998 16,114 2,096 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 4,041 1,237 7,400
2000, proj. 16,112 1,934 79,660 26,490 47,790 5,380 (NA) 3,242 1,200 7,120

NA Not available.
1 Some nursing schools offer more than one type of program. Numbersshown for nursing are number of nursing programs.
a Total enrollment covers enrollment in last three years of bachelor's programand last four years of doctorate program.

Source: U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, Health United States,annual.

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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