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32. 1997 Economic Census

1229. Gross Domestic Product in Manufacturing in Current and Real (1996) Dollars by Industry

[In millions of dollars (4,742,462 represents $4,742,462,000,000).Data include nonfactor charges (capital consumption allowances, indirectbusiness taxes, etc.) as well as factor charges against gross product;corporate profits and capital consumption allowances have been shiftedfrom a company to an establishment basis]

Industry 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
     Gross domestic product, total. 4,742,462 5,108,325 5,489,061 5,803,246 5,986,208 6,318,934 6,642,328 7,054,315 7,400,534 7,813,170 8,318,376 8,790,186 9,299,158
Manufacturing 888,592 979,902 1,017,673 1,040,589 1,043,541 1,081,998 1,131,403 1,223,210 1,289,069 1,316,049 1,379,609 1,435,970 1,500,806
  Durable goods. 516,771 566,274 582,746 586,561 575,523 593,979 632,825 694,092 729,846 748,449 791,214 833,405 877,756
    Lumber and wood products.. 32,096 32,973 33,762 32,175 30,338 32,284 35,714 39,806 42,316 39,922 41,176 41,379 44,147
    Furniture and fixtures.. 14,589 15,063 15,838 15,587 15,205 16,573 18,061 18,883 19,539 20,713 22,725 24,135 25,858
    Stone, clay, and glass products.. 23,313 23,786 25,191 25,341 23,840 26,255 26,444 30,377 32,371 33,157 37,204 38,162 41,024
    Primary metal industries. 34,510 43,114 45,294 43,210 39,901 39,560 43,040 47,572 52,990 50,842 52,564 54,098 54,896
    Fabricated metal products.. 62,625 67,385 68,497 69,396 67,263 69,516 73,396 83,225 87,168 93,144 97,607 102,185 105,506
    Industrial machinery 95,175 110,302 116,858 118,210 109,011 113,789 113,707 121,015 132,825 136,290 143,190 150,826 158,157
    Electronic & other electric equipment. 87,640 96,619 104,983 105,717 110,758 107,683 120,979 139,279 146,872 153,181 165,868 172,771 186,554
    Motor vehicles and equipment.. 58,173 60,630 52,675 47,340 45,496 58,819 77,990 95,186 98,232 92,240 96,543 107,193 114,489
    Other transportation equipment.. 55,542 53,849 56,868 60,470 62,425 58,062 54,199 49,644 47,691 51,447 55,541 59,228 59,574
    Instruments and related products.. 37,335 44,586 43,559 49,278 51,498 51,856 48,403 46,840 47,169 53,749 53,574 57,691 59,997
    Miscellaneous manufacturing industries.. 15,773 17,966 19,223 19,836 19,789 19,580 20,891 22,264 22,673 23,765 25,221 25,738 27,553
  Nondurable goods.. 371,821 413,628 434,926 454,027 468,018 488,019 498,578 529,118 559,223 567,600 588,396 602,564 623,050
    Food and kindred products.. 79,098 84,623 88,936 96,392 103,695 105,891 107,571 110,229 121,127 118,670 123,142 124,787 131,417
    Tobacco manufactures 10,353 11,128 11,252 11,927 12,742 13,842 12,276 13,245 15,088 14,821 15,436 16,800 19,919
    Textile mill products.. 20,137 20,618 20,988 21,952 22,408 25,652 25,708 25,594 24,812 25,335 25,744 25,357 25,345
    Apparel and other textile products.. 23,031 24,186 25,377 25,397 26,058 27,420 27,654 28,546 27,260 26,958 26,549 25,823 25,538
    Paper and allied products 37,753 43,750 45,498 45,027 44,649 45,604 46,934 50,104 58,939 55,890 53,832 55,054 56,975
    Printing and publishing 62,077 66,523 71,445 73,055 75,001 78,924 78,485 83,458 80,794 88,238 91,137 94,045 98,954
    Chemicals and allied products.. 83,802 95,464 103,255 109,946 113,946 119,100 122,669 138,719 150,812 153,648 164,757 168,424 176,316
    Petroleum and coal products.. 22,051 32,311 29,842 31,692 28,806 28,249 30,965 29,332 28,975 30,198 31,420 32,908 28,604
    Rubber and misc. plastic products.. 29,580 30,631 33,684 33,909 35,839 38,414 41,631 44,913 46,139 49,660 52,065 55,131 55,761
    Leather and leather products.. 3,939 4,393 4,649 4,730 4,872 4,923 4,685 4,978 5,278 4,184 4,313 4,236 4,222
     Gross domestic product, total. 6,113,259 6,368,359 6,591,815 6,707,919 6,676,432 6,880,043 7,062,637 7,347,739 7,543,772 7,813,170 8,159,462 8,515,650 8,875,757
Manufacturing 1,046,315 1,120,198 1,111,559 1,102,275 1,066,318 1,085,023 1,122,913 1,205,950 1,284,741 1,316,049 1,387,251 1,446,439 1,529,398
  Durable goods. 541,047 592,301 589,653 585,123 559,365 568,935 600,298 656,477 714,866 748,449 812,961 892,366 970,525
    Lumber and wood products.. 50,540 49,692 47,371 45,091 41,258 39,530 36,909 38,864 41,588 39,922 39,532 39,534 40,782
    Furniture and fixtures.. 19,250 19,163 19,247 18,118 17,041 18,485 20,133 20,169 20,746 20,713 22,143 22,697 23,611
    Stone, clay, and glass products.. 26,606 27,709 29,324 29,416 26,831 29,582 29,092 31,965 32,812 33,157 36,632 35,940 36,858
    Primary metal industries. 42,448 45,127 43,695 43,661 42,847 43,674 48,505 50,483 49,616 50,842 52,651 54,686 60,725
    Fabricated metal products.. 77,378 82,249 78,910 76,130 70,769 72,240 75,796 86,416 90,768 93,144 96,171 96,686 95,901
    Industrial machinery 73,435 88,079 92,550 93,482 85,942 92,420 96,808 106,750 124,741 136,290 158,350 186,985 216,567
    Electronic & other electric equipment 53,952 60,793 66,375 68,636 72,740 73,344 84,988 103,252 128,734 153,181 182,180 225,128 276,828
    Motor vehicles and equipment 85,647 91,601 77,153 68,704 58,882 68,695 85,140 99,139 103,170 92,240 97,068 107,027 110,380
    Other transportation equipment 76,280 74,907 75,464 75,664