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1. Population
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3. Health and Nutrition
4. Education
5. Law Enforcement, Courts
and Prisons
6. Geography and Environment
7. Parks, Recreation, Travel
8. Elections
9. State and Local Government
Finances and Employment
10. Federal Government
Finances and Employment
11. National Defense and
Veterans Affairs
12. Social Insurance and Human
13. Labor Force, Employment,
and Earnings
14. Income, Expenditures, and
15. Prices
16. Banking, Finance, and
17. Business Enterprise
18. Communications and
Information Technology
19. Energy
20. Science and Technology
21. Transportation - Land
22. Transportation - Air
and Water
23. Agriculture
24. Natural Resources
25. Construction and Housing
26. Manufactures
27. Domestic Trade and
28. Foreign Commerce and Aid
29. Outlying Areas
30. Comparative International
31. Industrial Outlook
32. 1997 Economic Census

1011. Transportation Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries, by Mode of Transportation

[For related data, see also table 1043]

Type of transport Type of transport Type of transport
Year and Air carriers
Motor Commuter On demand Recre- Gas Liquid Rail
vehicle 1 Rail- Air- air air General ational pipe- pipe- Water- Rapid Hazardous
(1,000) road 2 Total lines 3 carriers 4 carriers 5 aviation boating 6 lines 7 lines 8 borne 8 Transit 9 materials 10
  1970 (NA) 8,095 245 55 190 (NA) 4,712 3,803 1,077 351 2,582 (NA) (NA)
  1975 (NA) 8,041 237 37 48 152 3,995 6,308 1,338 254 3,310 (NA) 10,951
  1980 6,216 8,205 228 19 38 171 3,590 5,513 1,524 246 4,624 6,789 15,719
  1981 (NA) 5,781 214 26 31 157 3,500 5,208 1,623 239 3,503 6,271 10,010
  1982 (NA) 4,589 178 20 26 132 3,233 5,377 1,711 200 3,174 3,759 6,599
  1983 (NA) 3,906 182 24 17 141 3,077 5,569 1,580 161 4,704 (NA) 5,815
  1984 (NA) 3,900 185 17 22 146 3,016 5,700 1,002 203 3,275 2,202 5,764
  1985 6,081 3,275 196 21 18 154 2,739 6,237 334 183 3,439 1,014 6,019
  1986 (NA) 2,620 156 24 14 116 2,582 6,407 225 209 3,366 3,683 5,758
  1987 (NA) 2,512 165 36 33 97 2,494 6,746 234 237 3,496 3,156 6,137
  1988 6,887 2,854 151 30 18 101 2,386 6,718 279 193 3,593 3,068 6,190
  1989 6,653 2,898 157 28 19 111 2,230 6,063 258 163 3,852 2,891 7,558
  1990 6,471 2,879 146 24 15 106 2,215 6,411 198 180 3,613 12,178 8,880
  1991 6,117 2,658 137 26 23 87 2,175 6,573 233 216 2,222 14,102 9,110
  1992 6,000 2,359 117 18 23 76 2,073 6,048 177 212 3,244 15,512 9,311
  1993 6,106 2,611 108 23 16 69 2,039 6,335 217 230 3,425 15,082 12,830
  1994 6,496 2,504 118 23 10 85 1,995 6,906 222 244 3,972 15,869 16,087
  1995 6,699 2,459 123 36 12 75 2,053 8,019 161 188 4,196 14,327 14,743
  1996 6,770 2,443 139 38 11 89 1,907 8,026 187 195 3,799 13,748 13,950
  1997 6,624 2,397 148 49 17 (NA) 1,858 8,044 175 175 3,704 15,151 13,995
  1998 6,335 2,575 135 48 8 79 1,709 8,175 232 154 2,837 (NA) 15,349
  1970 52.6 785 246 146 100 (NA) 1,310 1,418 26 4 178 (NA) (NA)
  1975 44.5 575 219 124 28 69 1,252 1,466 8 7 243 (NA) 27
  1980 51.1 584 143 1 37 105 1,239 1,360 15 4 206 83 19
  1981 49.3 556 132 4 34 94 1,282 1,208 16 5 154 103 25
  1982 43.9 512 321 235 14 72 1,187 1,178 31 1 223 87 13
  1983 42.6 498 88 15 11 62 1,069 1,241 12 6 289 50 8
  1984 44.3 598 104 4 48 52 1,042 1,063 35 0 113 55 7
  1985 43.8 454 639 526 37 76 956 1,116 28 5 131 17 8
  1986 46.1 475 77 8 4 65 967 1,066 35 4 133 41 17
  1987 46.4 541 356 232 59 65 838 1,036 11 3 119 34 10
  1988 47.1 510 365 285 21 59 800 946 25 2 81 17 19
  1989 45.6 523 397 278 31 83 768 896 42 3 96 45 8
  1990 44.6 599 97 39 7 50 767 865 6 3 85 117 8
  1991 41.5 586 205 50 77 70 786 924 14 0 30 103 10
  1992 39.3 591 122 33 21 68 857 816 10 5 96 91 15
  1993 40.2 653 67 1 24 42 736 800 17 0 110 83 15
  1994 40.7 611 327 239 25 63 730 784 21 1 69 85 11
  1995 41.8 567 229 168 9 52 734 829 18 3 46 79 7
  1996 42.1 551 457 380 14 63 632 709 15 5 50 74 120
  1997 42.0 602 93 8 46 (NA) 660 819 10 0 46 77 12
  1998 41.5 577 46 1 0 45 621 813 17 1 31 (NA) 13
  1970 (NA) 17,934 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) 780 233 21 105 (NA) (NA)
  1975 (NA) 50,138 109 81 6 32 715 2,136 214 17 97 (NA) 648
  1980 2,848 58,356 74 19 14 43 769 2,650 177 15 180 6,801 626
  1981 (NA) 49,710 82 21 24 37 681 2,474 79 32 141 6,272 640
  1982 (NA) 37,638 98 31 28 39 620 2,682 266 6 271 3,907 125
  1983 (NA) 32,196 49 8 12 29 566 2,913 245 9 209 1,977 189
  1984 (NA) 35,660 67 9 23 35 595 2,709 229 19 134 2,147 259
  1985 3,363 31,617 87 30 16 43 483 2,757 108