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32. 1997 Economic Census

973. Solar Collector Shipments, by Type, End-Use, and Market Sector

[In thousands of square feet, except number of manufacturers. Solarcollector is a device for intercepting sunlight, converting the light toheat, and carrying the heat to where it will be either used or stored.1985 data are not available]

Collector type End use Market sector
Year Number Medium
of manu- Total Low temperature High Pool Hot Space Resi- Com- Indus-
facturers shipments 1 temperature special/other temperature heating water heating dential mercial trial
1974 45 1,274 1,137 137 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
1975 131 3,743 3,026 717 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
1976 186 5,801 3,876 1,925 (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA) (NA)
1977 321 10,312 4,743 5,569 (NA) 6,334 1,713 1,699 7,978 1,680 105
1978 340 10,860 5,872 4,988 (NA) 5,970 2,513 1,736 8,095 1,848 263
1979 349 14,251 8,395 5,857 (NA) 8,551 2,958 1,722 11,387 2,015 314
1980 233 19,398 12,233 7,165 (NA) 12,029 4,790 1,688 16,077 2,417 488
1981 203 20,133 8,677 11,456 (NA) 9,781 7,204 2,017 15,773 2,561 1,518
1982 265 18,621 7,476 11,145 (NA) 7,035 7,444 2,367 13,729 3,789 560
1983 203 16,828 4,853 11,975 (NA) 4,839 9,323 2,082 11,780 3,039 1,665
1984 225 17,191 4,479 11,939 773 4,427 8,930 2,370 13,980 2,091 289
1986 2 98 9,360 3,751 1,111 4,498 3,494 1,181 127 4,131 703 13
1987 2 59 7,269 3,157 957 3,155 3,111 964 23 3,775 305 11
1988 2 51 8,174 3,326 732 4,116 3,304 726 7 3,796 255 7
1989 2 44 11,482 4,283 1,989 5,209 4,688 1,374 205 5,804 424 42
1990 51 11,409 3,645 2,527 5,237 5,016 1,091 2 5,835 294 22
1991 48 6,574 5,585 989 1 5,535 989 24 6,322 225 13
1992 45 7,086 6,187 897 2 6,210 801 35 6,832 204 27
1993 41 6,968 6,025 931 12 6,040 880 15 6,694 215 31
1994 41 7,627 6,823 803 2 6,813 790 19 7,026 583 16
1995 36 7,666 6,813 840 13 6,763 755 132 6,966 604 82
1996 28 7,616 6,821 785 10 6,787 765 57 6,873 682 54
1997 29 8,138 7,524 606 7 7,528 595 10 7,360 768 7
1998 28 7,756 7,292 443 (NA) 7,201 463 67 7,165 517 62

NA Not available.
1 Includes other end uses and market sectors not shown separately.
2 Declines between 1984 and 1989 are primarily due to the expiration ofthe Federal energy tax credit and industry consolidation.

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Solar Collector Manufacturing Activity, annual.Also in Renewable Energy Annual. Energy: The radiant energy of the sun, which can be converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or electricity.

Solar Thermal Collector: A device designed to receive solar radiation and convert it into thermal energy. Normally, asolar thermal collector includes a frame, glazing, and an absorber, together with the appropriate insulation. The heatcollected by the solar thermal collector may be used immediately or stored for later use.

Solar Thermal Collector, Special: An evacuated tube collector or a concentrating (focusing) collector. Special collectorsoperate in the temperature (low concentration for pool heating) to several hundred degrees Fahrenheit (high concentrationfor air conditioning and specialized industrial processes).

These tables are based on figures supplied by the United States Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce and are subject to revision by the Census Bureau.

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